There are 2 stories to this post, the obvious one and the one that is less.
I guess the obvious should go first….
Saturday morning, Oren is surfing, and I am trying to do the impossible which is to organize my work space with the three girls in the house. It’s working on and off in waves. At some point right before they start to aggravate each other
(and me, of course), I find a blank canvas that I bought Ori a couple of years ago (when she was 4). It has been lying around without any interest, but not anymore….
Before I knew it, I had all three girls at the table with paints and brushes each doing her own thing. Ori was completely drawn into her canvas while Mika discovered body painting and Zoe….
Kids LOVE to paint on canvas, it is true, it makes them feel like true artists (which they are….) I guess it is always good to have a few canvases lying around the house, they can save the day (or at least the hour).
Now for the less obvious
This morning was the first morning in a very long time that I felt like things are back to what they used to be for me. Once again we were all sitting together at the same table drawing, each doing her own thing. Mika is finally old enough to take part of the activities instead of me needing to keep her busy so she doesn’t interfere with the girls’ work.
I felt like I was present after being mentally absent and occupied with a project for the past several months. My house is almost organized, Ori is painting again, and I am writing posts in my head. It feels really good to be back. Love you all