I fell asleep putting Mika to sleep tonight; I think she was still up and babbling while I was already dreaming. I woke up once to turn off the stove after realizing I have burned tomorrow's Cholent (meat stew), and once more at around midnight aching, wishing for a comfortable bed or atlist a bed in my size. I was tossing and turning not being able to go back to sleep, thinking of everything I needed to do, the list is so long, it could have kept me up for the rest of the night.
So I did what I probably shouldn’t have, and will regret tomorrow – I got out of bed
And here I am talking to you guys because no one else would listen; they are all sleeping…..
I have been working on some really exiting projects lately that I wanted to share with you (sharing is nice). Yesterday was the opening for my first community art installation -1000 Butterflies (there were actually closer to 2000, but dont tell anyone).
I will write up a tutorial when I am more alert, in the meantime you can read about it here.
I have also finished a project for the local community center; I have designed a play/ waiting area in the lobby. That project was fun fun fun, everything I love doing in one project- design, making, ecological, enhancing creativity, with a crazy 3 week deadline - it has "tali" witten all over it. Here is a link with some beautiful pictures by Nirit Gur-Karby.
I am also taking part of a very cool good sale with Keren Shavit in Bnei Brak near Tel-Aviv in the most incredible structure.
The challenges with this sale are to:
a. make the products on schedule (another crazy deadline) and
b. not to spend more than I will be making….
there is more, but I am getting tired…one sleepless night at a time. Sorry for my typos, my editors (Anat and Oren are sleeping….not together….)
Night night