Last week I pulled it out. A bit early I admit, 4 weeks before its time, I needed it for a post I was writing for On the outside its nothing fancy, a little beat-up shoe box, held together with a rubber band. But on the inside….a bundle of family memories. This will be the third year we have it, so I guess it is ok to call it a ritual - our Chanukah family box.
In this box I collect all the holiday chuchkes that we have been playing with or making over the 8 days of Chanukah (well…almost all of them).
Every year there is more going into the box, every year it is more exiting to open it.
- 2 clay menorahs
- holiday cards
- stained glass window decor
- the dreidel game sack (a favorite) with some chocolate Gelt
- the hovering experiment
- the foil ornaments
- paper strip dreidles
Chanukah is only 3 weeks away; you may click on any of the links above for a detailed tutorial.