Sending a New Year card is a wonderful tradition. Regardless if it’s a hallmark card, a virtual card or a home made card, it is indeed a great way to catch-up with family and friends. I must say though, that there is something very special about a home-made Rosh Hashanah card. Although it takes a little extra effort to make them, and cleaning up is no fun either, the bonus of spending the time together as a family making the cards is priceless, not to mention the money you save and how much more personal your cards are.
Here is how we are making our cards this year;
It all begun with Ori who started painting with her entire body instead of using her brush to paint pomegranates….and we just followed her lead.
This is a method that anyone can use, no matter how old or how skilled they are.We are having fun making them, I hope you will too.
You will need:Bristol board (heavy weight paper)
Tempera paint (washable)
Whole puncher in a shape of a dove, pomegranate, apple or any other Jewish motive that comes to mind
Drawing tools
Glitter (for the brave ones)
This is how:
Part 1: Make the colored sheet of paper
- Set up a table (preferably outside) covered with some newspaper.
- Spread the sheets of heavy weight paper
- Squirt some paint on the page
- Smear
- Add paint as your smearing progresses.
- Set aside to dry.
You may use a stick to draw in the paint while it is wet.
Part 2: Make the cards
- Cut the sheet of paper so they fit the envelope size you chose. You can keep them one sided like a postcard, or fold them like a card.
- Punch a shaped whole on the front of the card
- Decorate with colored pencils or markers
- Spread some glue and sprinkle some glitter
- Add some blessing for the year to come
This is how you write Shana Tova (good year) in Hebrew:
Leak, stamp and send away…..
Happy New Year
See more ways of making New Year cards here:
Shana Tova cards featuring the pomegranate