Some people grow up and live in one place. That has not been my life experience. As a child I have moved many times, and as an adult, I honestly lost count. I have moved across town, across the country, across continents and most recently (a week ago) across the street.
I like moving! I like it for many different reasons.
I love the opportunity of working my life in different spaces, getting rid of things I no longer need and wonder why I’ve held onto.
I like the temporariness and the weightlessness.
I like rediscovering books I forgot I had while unpacking, and of course - an excuse to plan a trip to IKEA
Some say moving is great for creativity (well...that is not the reason I move so much...), I see how it can make one more adaptable.
I must admit though, at this point in my life I do need some permanence, and I hope this last move is good for the next five years (or so).
My nights are restless, I wake up five times a night (I am due in 2 weeks), staring at the ceiling while thinking of our new place, thinking of the girls and their state of being, worrying mad about tomorrow.
Ori is taking a nap in her almost assembled bedA peaceful nap is highly contrasted to the somewhat chaotic state of being our house is at. This kind of serenity cannot be taken for granted, nor can my husband who has been taking it so calmly and the amazing family and friends I am surrounded by.
Maybe that is all one needs for a great sense of stability and permanence while the house is just a wrap.
Cheers from my new home.
I can’t wait to pop a bottle of something sparkly once everything is in place.