I know I have promised Bialik’s activities, its coming and it is really good…I promise…a couple of more days.
In the mean time I started to feel the winds of Tu Bishvat blowing. If you are looking puzzled than I guess I will quickly say that Tu Bishvat is the Jewish new years for the trees, I always thought it was very special to celebrate the trees birth day. The name Tu Bishvat is derived from the Hebrew date of the holiday the 15th of the month of Shevat.
The holiday is 2 weeks away. In celebration of this holiday I will be posting different activities you can enjoy as a family. I will start by telling you about a Tu Bishvat creativity book I made last year, you can down load it from my blog, this is the link: TU BISHVAT ACTIVITY BOOK
Zoe drawing from the Tu-Bishvat activity book using water color travel compact set
Zoe, Tali from the Tu-Bishvat activity book
Please feel free to forward it to whom ever you think will enjoy it.