There are many different ways of making greeting cards. This year I am all into the experimental style, trying different techniques with different mediums without knowing what’s going to come out at the end. Making cards this way, keeps the process interesting and prevents it from becoming automated. I know each card will come out different and personal. In the following posts I will demonstrate different methods of making cards as a family activity. I want you to keep in mind that as much as the end result is key, the process of making greeting cards together is just as important. while making the cards some we pass around between us and each one adds something to it; while other Shana Tova’s are done by one person only. We inspire each other with new ideas and techniques, and respond to each others' work. The only one problem I found was that we have to make twice as many cards as we actually need because Zoe wants to keep them all…
You will need:
A sheet of Bristol board (card stock). You can get them as pads in the arts and crafts store in the drawing section.
An apple
A cutting knife
Washable paint or what you may call finger paint
Red glitter
Colored pencils
Oil pastels
White glue
Envelopes to fit the card
How to:
Slice the apple in 2 the long way.
Squirt some paint onto a dish
Apply a small amount of paint on to the apple.
Press the apple onto the paper, repeat till the entire page is filled.
Set to dry
Fold paper on it self once and cut in 2. Repeat till you get the desired size of card. I like the rough edges so I don’t use scissors to cut the page but I tear the page after creasing.
Decorate the apples, add glitter, and add details with a pencil or crayons.
make sure you don't forget to add your greetings.
Thoughts and variations:
Some times the print doesn’t come out very crisp, you may enhance it with a colored pencil after the drawing is dry.
If paint is smudged, it means you have too much paint on the apple, use less.
you may check out a friends blog for a different method of printing @ creative Jewish mom
Any questions please email me.
Next post, is my favorite of all - pomegranates.