A couple of weeks ago we have received our brand new fridge, a beautiful cooling box in silver gray with plain square edges, no magnets will be covering this one. My girls were very disappointed thought…because the fridge came without a box. The two have been building dreams of houses and castles from the over sized refrigerator box, what a letdown it was for them.
The other day we have received another appliance delivery including an air conditioner a stove and a washer. This time everyone was happy. The washer’s box immediately turned into Ori and Zoe’s new house (the new house within the new house) with a door and a couple of windows just big enough for the two of them, 2 pieces of paper, and some markers. The AC box will be used as an extension to their house once the AC is installed, and the circular foam cook top packaging will be used as the wheels for their cereal stand/ car Oren salvaged from the local grocery store. Now all we need is a school (one more month to go).