Every year the same dilemma, should we build a sukka or just visit our friend’s.
My kids love it and wait for it impatiently, so we don’t really have much say in the matter. What I should say is that the ‘sukka’ project gives us the reason for endless activities, and like every great holiday, a great excuse to break our everyday routine.
We like the mini version of a sukka, that can hold a kids table and chairs, tall enough that our 2 year old will not be able to pull down the decorations. We use 1”x1” wood from the lumber yard, which is strong enough for a mini sukka. For the sides we use white sheets and table cloths. For the roof we trim the trees and bushes in our building, and throw them over a web of strings enforced with a couple of wood joists.
Almost done…Favorite part is next, decorating the sukka.